Ready to Build Your

Creative Career Online?

Join the newsletter for emails on marketing for musicians + other creatives, social media, creating your unique path online, personal development + more.




On these 90-min calls, I can help you get direction with your online presence, social media strategy, branding, marketing + more.

You’ll find more info on the booking page.


Work 1-on-1 with Alex for a minimum of 4 weeks. I’ll be your guide, coach, and teacher as you create and execute your online strategy as a creative.

You’ll find more info on the next page.



Plan, develop, and organise your content and music releases with these simple and powerful Notion templates.

Great for creating clean, sustainable plans for your online presence.


The 2nd Law of Music Marketing On Social Media

Prefer to listen to this? Also, Round 3 of Awaken Your Fan Base is currently open for a limited...

Creatives, Why Can’t You Get Unstuck?

Today we’re going to talk about a problem many creatives face, and that’s resistance to change—why...

The First Law Of Music Marketing On Social Media

Last week on Instagram I asked musicians what they were struggling with when it comes to music...

Would You Sacrifice This For Your Creative Career?

I’ve had a few tough conversations with musicians this week that I can’t stop thinking about. So...

5 Massive Mistakes Musicians Make When Building An Online Presence (Part 1)

Today we’ll talk about the first 5 of 10 big mistakes I see musicians + other creatives making all...

Dealing With Anxiety When Building Your Creative Career

Something I don’t talk about nearly as much as I experience it is the massive amount of anxiety that...

Musicians, All You Need Is Money…?

Musicians, is money really the answer? Are you not doing as well as you think you could because you...

How Musicians Can Actually Get Things Done In 2024 (Instead Of Just Saying They Will).

“Big things are happening this year! I’m gonna become a whole new person and achieve more than I...

3 Massive Lessons For Creatives in 2024

Musicians, creatives—what a year! I don’t know about you, but it’s been a...

If Your Releases Keep Flopping, Read This.

If your creative releases keep flopping on social media, this one’s for you. Over the last few...

The MAIN Key To Music Marketing (Most Musicians Miss This)

Many musicians are on the verge of giving up on social media. They’ve lost faith in its ability to...

Your Music Marketing Is Missing This (+ How To Be More Creative)

In today’s letter you’ll get: Part 1 leads into part 2. Once you learn about where to focus for your...

Hey! I’m Alex.

I’m a musician, writer, and artist coach—sultant living in Melbourne, Australia. I spend most of my time helping musicians and other creatives build their online presence + create a meaningful career path. 

I’ve been immersed in the world of creativity ever since I was 10, starting at the piano. Over the last 20+ years I’ve explored all kinds of creative paths (mostly in music) and I’ve been working professionally in the industry since 2015.

In the last 5—ish years my focus has been building a career in creativity online and helping others do the same. If you’d like to work with me, feel free to reach out and we’ll have a chat 🙂 

Ready to Build Your

Creative Career Online?

Join the newsletter for emails on marketing for musicians + other creatives, social media, creating your unique path online, personal development + more.