Ready to Build Your

Creative Career Online?

Join the newsletter for emails on marketing for musicians + other creatives, social media, creating your unique path online, personal development + more.




On these 90-min calls, I can help you get direction with your online presence, social media strategy, branding, marketing + more.

You’ll find more info on the booking page.


Work 1-on-1 with Alex for a minimum of 4 weeks. I’ll be your guide, coach, and teacher as you create and execute your online strategy as a creative.

You’ll find more info on the next page.



Plan, develop, and organise your content and music releases with these simple and powerful Notion templates.

Great for creating clean, sustainable plans for your online presence.


Instant Fans, Pretty Privilege & The Wrong Social Media Advice +

Today we’ll talk about: 3 quick things that might interest you before we dive in: Ok, back to...

Musicians, Here’s How To Become Impossible To Ignore

If you’re an artist, this single skill will make you impossible to ignore. The skill applies to your...

Releasing Music, Content Secrets, Creative Control + More

Today we’ll talk about: #1: Releasing for you vs releasing for the machine. For musicians in 2023...

How Musicians Can Build A Fanbase On Social Media Without Relying On The Algorithm

Has the algorithm f—cked musicians? It’s getting harder and harder on social media. Even well...

Best Social Media Platform For Musicians, Being More Interesting, & More

In today’s letter we talk about: Let’s get straight into it 🙂 #1: What’s the best social media...

Unlocking Your Unseen X Factor: How Musicians Can Stand Out and Elevate Their Impact

If you’re a musician or creative who’s trying to make an impact with your art, you’ve probably heard...

8 Ways For Musicians To Show Up Authentically On Social Media

One of the most common issues musicians tell me they have with social media is that it feels...

Are You Killing Your Music Career? (5 Powerful Questions)

I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions lately to make sure I’m staying on track with my creative...

Building A Creative Career With A “9—5”

I’ve recently become obsessed (again) with dialling in my days, getting lots done for my creative...

Are You More Than The Music?

Is music your only real interest? Or do you have others you genuinely wish you could incorporate...

The 3 Levers of Social Media Success For Musicians

“I’ve tried everything and nothing is working”. I’ve received this message regarding social media at...

Musicians, Your Priority Ladder Is Backwards

Most musicians have a hate/hate relationship with social media. The love is gone because it feels so...

Hey! I’m Alex.

I’m a musician, writer, and artist coach—sultant living in Melbourne, Australia. I spend most of my time helping musicians and other creatives build their online presence + create a meaningful career path. 

I’ve been immersed in the world of creativity ever since I was 10, starting at the piano. Over the last 20+ years I’ve explored all kinds of creative paths (mostly in music) and I’ve been working professionally in the industry since 2015.

In the last 5—ish years my focus has been building a career in creativity online and helping others do the same. If you’d like to work with me, feel free to reach out and we’ll have a chat 🙂 

Ready to Build Your

Creative Career Online?

Join the newsletter for emails on marketing for musicians + other creatives, social media, creating your unique path online, personal development + more.